Although one can block hosts using the sshd_config file, I suggest using TCP Wrappers to block hosts, since this is your primary wall of defense for incoming based TCP connections. 尽管可以使用sshdconfig文件阻止主机,但是我建议使用TCPWrappers阻止主机,因为这是阻止到达的TCP连接的主要机制。
Objective To summarize the experience in the treatment of giant primary chest wall tumors. 目的总结巨大原发性胸壁肿瘤的治疗经验。
Though the primary wall is generally considered to be the outgrowth of a single cell, there may be exceptions. 虽然一般认为初生层是一个单细胞延伸而成的,但可能也有些例外。
This initial layer, formed of both cellulosic and noncellulosic materials, is called the primary wall. 这头一层由纤维素和非纤维物质构成,被称作初生壁。
Mirrors four inches high, in which the primary makeup mirror fixed to the wall, the other is connected to the primary mirror mirror on both sides, becoming mirror wings. 镜子高四英寸,其中,主镜固定在墙上,其它镜则连在主镜两侧,成为镜翼。
The organelles as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulums and Golgi bodies, and other substructures like transfer vesicles, plasmalemma and lomasome, and the cytoskeletal systems, were together involved in fiber primary wall formation. 具有ATP酶活性的线粒体、内质网、高尔基体等细胞器和运输小泡、质膜、壁旁体等结构以及微管等细胞骨架系统一起参与了纤维细胞初生壁的形成。
As primary engineering measure, impermeable wall is applied broadly to reinforcing dike in middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River. 防渗墙作为堤防防渗处理的主要工程措施,在长江中下游堤防加固工程中得到了广泛的运用。
From 1978 to January 1988, 24 patients with primary tumors of chest wall were diagnosed and treated in our hospital. 作者自1978年至1988年1月共治疗原发性胸壁肿瘤24例,男16例,女8例。
Extensin, as a kind of primary cell wall protein, is considered to be related to disease resistance of plant. 伸展蛋白(Extensin)作为一种细胞壁蛋白被认为是与植物的抗病性有关。
Objective To study the value of imaging characters in diagnosing primary malignant tumors of chest wall. 目的:探讨胸壁原发恶性肿瘤的影像学特点对其定性的价值。
Imaging Diagnosis of Primary Malignant Tumor of Chest Wall 胸壁原发恶性肿瘤的影像学诊断
FLAC~ ( 3D) program and its applications in couple problem between primary support design and rock wall condition in double-arch tunnel FLAC~(3D)在隧道初期支护与原岩条件的耦合问题的应用
Pectin, the major component in the middle lamella and primary cell wall of higher plants, has a great impact on the viscosity and turbidity of fruit juices. 果胶普遍存在于各种水果中,是水果细胞中层和初生壁的主要成分,果汁中的果胶对其粘度和浊度有较大影响。
Pectic substance which existed in primary cell wall and cell interval of higher plant were a group of polysaccharides. 果胶类物质是存在于高等植物初生壁和细胞间隙中的一组多糖,果胶是一种杂多糖。
TEM images showed that cell wall of the fibre is typically divided into three layers including the primary wall ( P), the middle lamellar ( ML) and the secondary wall ( S1, S2 and S3). 纤维细胞壁的超微结构典型地分为胞间层(ML)、初生壁(P)、次生壁外层(S1)、次生壁中层(S2)及次生壁内层(S3)。
Primary lesions were in roof posterior wall of nasopharynx ( 70%). 肿瘤多发生于顶壁和后壁,占70%。
Spalling cracks resulted from tension failure of concrete in wall joint and adjacent area are primary when the thin wall ( including the wall with visible wide beam) endured out-of-plane moment. 薄墙(包括墙上设有明梁的墙)受梁端施加的平面外弯矩时以墙上节点区与节点附近一定范围的混凝土受拉破坏形成剥离裂缝为主;
X-ray diffraction and low temperature nitrogen adsorption were used to characterize the synthesized MCM-41.The primary factors affecting pore wall thickness of MCM-41 were investigated. 考察了影响MCM-41孔壁厚度的主要因素。
Primary Analysis of the Wall& rock Landslide of the Tunnels along Horizontal Layers This paper describes the collapse of surrounding rock during the construction with TBM in Qin-ling Tunnel and presents the countermeasure against it. 水平岩层隧道围岩坍方的初步分析本文主要介绍秦岭隧道掘进机(TBM)施工中围岩坍方及其处理的情况,并提出了掘进机通过坍方地段的对策。
The Non-cellulose Polysaccharides of Plant Primary Cell Wall and Its Physiological Roles 植物初生壁的非纤维素多糖及其生理功能
The cotton fiber is a single-celled fiber differentiated from epidermal cells of ovules. The development of cotton fiber can be divided into four stages: initiation, elongation ( primary cell wall synthesis), secondary cell wall synthesis and maturation. 棉花纤维是胚珠表皮细胞分化伸长的结果,其生长发育分为四个阶段,即起始期、伸长期(初生壁合成期)、次生壁合成期和成熟期。
Dissolution of primary wall appears at the neck of sterigma. 担孢子与担子的小梗连接处出现初生壁溶化现象。
A Testing System of the Dynamic Primary Pressure on Hole Wall in Rock Blasting 岩石爆破孔壁动态初始压力测试系统研究
Esters-catechin was used as core materials, soybean oil as primary wall materials and albumen NP and carbohydrate CA, CB as wall materials. After shearing and spray-drying the esters-catechin microcapsule was prepared. 以酯型儿茶素为芯材,大豆色拉油为初级壁材,蛋白NP和碳水化合物CA、CB为壁材,经乳化剪切,喷雾干燥制得酯型儿茶素微胶囊。
During primary wall formation, fiber underwent successively co-growth with vascular bundle and intrusive growth. 毛竹茎秆纤维的初生壁形成过程又经历了与维管组织的协同生长期和侵入生长期两个阶段。
In general, 2-4h after inoculation of primary cells became adherent, 48h after most primary cell wall. 一般于接种后2-4h原代细胞开始贴壁,48h后大部分原代细胞贴壁。
The developmental process of fibers could be divided into three continual stages such as fiber initial formation and the formation of primary wall and secondary wall. 纤维细胞的发育过程可以分成明显的三个连续阶段:纤维原始细胞形成期、初生壁形成期和次生壁形成期。
The results were as follows: 1. The first detectable degradation site of cell wall in middle cortical cell was primary wall, and then the intercellular space. 实验结果如下:1.透射电子显微镜观察发现小麦根中皮层细胞壁先由靠近细胞质的初生壁开始降解,然后是胞间层。
Cotton fiber cell wall is usually divided into two categories: the primary cell wall ( PCW) and the secondary cell wall ( SCW) during cotton fiber development. 在棉纤维发育过程中,纤维细胞壁发育通常可分为初生壁和次生壁两个阶段。